Images for illustrative purposes
Images for illustrative purposes
The aorta, which measures about 2.5 cm in diameter, is the largest artery in the body, receives blood with high oxygen content from the left ventricle and distributes it to the entire body, except the lungs (which receive blood of the right ventricle).
Aortic disorders include:
Aneurysms: protuberances in the weak areas of the walls; that is, the pressure of the blood inside the artery causes any weak area in the wall of the artery to bulge outward, if not treated, an aneurysm can rupture and cause pain and internal bleeding. Aneurysms can appear in any area throughout the aorta.
Dissection: separation of the layers of your wall. If the inner lining of the aorta separates (tears) from the middle layer of the aorta, blood can penetrate the space between the two layers and separate (dissect) the middle layer of the outer layer wall, which is still intact If there is an aortic dissection, you almost always feel a pain that appears suddenly, is extremely intense and is often described as heartbreaking or lacerating. As dissection progresses through the aorta, it can obstruct areas where the aorta branches into one or more arteries and thus block blood flow.