Images for illustrative purposes
Images for illustrative purposes
Dermatitis is a condition in which the skin becomes red, sore or swollen after direct contact with a substance. Frequent allergens include fancy jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics, hair dyes and poison ivy. The patch test is a procedure that helps determine if a chemical is causing an allergic skin reaction; this allergy is known as contact dermatitis. The test consists of applying on the skin, adhesive tapes with various test substances, for 48 hours, the tests are performed in a skin area where the dermatitis is not shown, usually in the upper part of the back. During the time the patches are worn, it is important not to wash the area or perform sports or work with sweating, because if the adhesive tape is peeled off, the test must be repeated, nor should the patches be exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light, some allergens can react to it.